The Graduate Record Examination, also known as GRE, is one of the most popular standardised entrance examinations for higher education in managerial, technical, and techno-managerial fields. This is a versatile exam that is accepted at most universities abroad, and in India as well. The exam is valid for higher education applications in disciplines such as law, social sciences, engineering, and management as well.
There are two types of GRE exams; the GRE General Test and the GRE Subject Test (for specific subjects). The GRE General Test is the more popular one, and tens of thousands of students take the exam every year. In this article, we will focus only on the GRE General Test. 

GRE General Test Sections:

The exam has three separate sections. Below you will find a quick summary of the three sections of the GRE General Test syllabus:

  • Analytical Writing

This section assesses your ability to present your arguments with valid evidence and reasons to support the argument. It also tests how effectively you communicate and convey your points in the English language.

  • Verbal Reasoning

While the Analytical Writing section demands an essay-type answer, the Verbal Reasoning section has a multiple-choice structure. This section tests your ability to analyse sentences, your vocabulary, and contextual relationships between words, phrases, and ideas. You are also tested on the parts and figures of speech and your ability to understand the intent of the writer in any given passage.  

  • Quantitative Reasoning

The Quant section tests your basic mathematical knowledge (concepts). You are expected to understand and evaluate mathematical information and solve problems. You are provided with an on-screen calculator as well. 

GRE Fees

While the GRE General Test fee is subject to change based on instructions released by the Educational Testing Service, the fee has remained somewhere around USD 200 in recent years. In the United States of America, the fee for the GRE is USD 205. In India, the fee is USD 213, which comes up to nearly INR 16,000 based on the present USD to INR exchange rate. The fee is USD 205 for most other countries, barring only a few.

If you have a last minute change in your schedule and need to reschedule your GRE exam, this is possible. The GRE General Test rescheduling fee is USD 50 in most countries. This comes up to a little less than INR 4000. Moreover, you can also request additional score reports beyond the ones that will be sent by the ETS and GRE authorities to the universities of your choice. Additionally, if you ask for a rescoring of your Analytical Writing essay, and your Verbal and Quant sections, then they are chargeable as well.  

GRE General Test Scheduling

You can register for the GRE from the official ETS website. You can take the test from the comfort of your home or at one of the many test centres across the country. If there is no test centre in your town, there will definitely be one at another nearby city. Besides, there are no specific GRE General Test dates, and you can take the test on a date that is convenient for you. You can also reschedule the exam at an additional cost if the need be. 

The GRE General Test is an important part of your master’s application and it is vital to make sure you have a solid GRE preparation plan that you can stick to. You can look up GRE general test samples online or on the official website to help you with your preparation to get a good score. Besides, a great GRE score can help you achieve a scholarship and can take you a long way in securing admission to your dream university. 

Take a look at CareerLabs’ GRE resources for a program that matches your requirements and find a plan that works for you, no matter what level of preparation you are at.

Good luck!


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