Welcome to your GMAT Vs GRE

Would you consider yourself creative/flexible thinker
Are you good at testing vocabulary in context?
Is your career goal focussed specifically for MBA?
Are you focussing on a career in consulting or investment banking?
Are you interested in dual degree program?
Is your math skill stronger than your verbal skill?
Do you tend to have more inclination towards geometry?
Are you considering graduate programs other than the B-Schools as well?
Would scholarship be one of your deciding criteria for B- schools?
Are you targeting Top 20 B-schools for MBA/ Specialized Business Masters'?
Even though well prepared, are you good at managing test anxiety?
Are you interested in multi-source reasoning, table analysis, graphics interpretation?
Are you interested in business school but also thinking about non-business grad programs as well?
You dont belong to traditional business backgrounds in fields like financial services,marketing, or consulting but would still like to apply for B-school.

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