The quant section of the GMAT exam tests your knowledge on mathematics concepts that you learned at high school. Though the concepts tested are not extremely difficult, the ways in which it is tested might not be familiar to you. Hence, the more you practice, the less likely you are to be confused with all tricky questions that are asked. Nonetheless, with hard work and constant practice, you can clear the Quant section with flying colours. And, for this, you need a structured GMAT Quant study plan; so, we are here to help you. The Quantitative section of the GMAT can be challenging, especially if you haven’t studied maths since high school. However, it doesn’t matter how good or bad you are at mathematics, you can ace the Quant section of the GMAT with thorough preparation. 

Now, if you’re wondering how to start preparing for GMAT quant, let’s take a look at this GMAT quantitative study guide.

GMAT Quant Study Plan : How to Prepare for GMAT Quant

Quant Mean-Median-Mode questions

Quant Mean-Median-Mode solutions

Step 1: Take a diagnostic test

Taking a diagnostic test is the first and foremost step that needs to be carried out while preparing for the GMAT. Practice tests give you a thorough understanding of where you stand in terms of your preparation and show you where you need to put the extra effort. Besides, these tests acquaint you with the question types that are asked in the actual exam. Once you complete a test, analyze the results carefully. Make a note of the questions that you answered incorrectly and check the sections that need improvement. Moreover, find out the explanations for the incorrect answers. If possible, create an excel sheet and add the questions that you have answered incorrectly. Also, find out the answers to those problems, so that you avoid repeating the same mistake again. 

Step 2: Revise all that you have learnt before

The concepts tested in the quant section are from elementary maths such as – Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, etc., which you probably haven’t studied or practised for long. Hence, spend some time revising and relearning all these basic math concepts. You can refer to the official GMAT Quant study guide for this as well. The guide has everything you need, from the syllabus to practice questions and more. 

It’s likely that you might take more time to learn certain topics such as Permutations and Probability, Geometry etc. In such cases, make sure to allocate extra time to learn these concepts. You can also make flashcards to learn the formulae that can also be used as references later. Also, try to refer to as many books as you can find, so that you are confident enough to solve the questions from these topics during the main test.

Step 3: Start solving easy and medium questions at first

You would ideally be unaware of the difficulties that you might come across while solving questions unless you solve them. Hence, once you believe you are thorough with the concepts, you should start solving questions from the GMAC’s Official GMAT Quantitative Study Guide as well as from Quantitative Reasoning books. Start solving the easy questions at first, then move on to the questions with medium difficulty. 

Step 4: Move on to the tougher questions

Once you are able to solve the easy to medium math problems, find a set of difficult questions and solve them. Solving difficult questions will give you a clear picture of how you will manage the tough questions on the day of the test. If you don’t do this, you will definitely end up being appalled on the day of the test. Hence, try to familiarize yourself with the questions before the test day. 

Step 5: Simulate the test environment

Try to simulate the actual test environment at home. For eg., if you are learning quant, find a set of 31 questions and aim to complete them in under 62 minutes (with a 90% attempt rate). It might take some time for you to get there, but it is essential that this practice is done while preparing for the test to avoid last-minute hassles.

Step 6: Attempt more practice tests and analyze them

As you know, you need to learn a lot of mathematical concepts in order to score well in the Quant section of the GMAT. However, taking practice tests is as important as learning concepts if you want to perform well in the GMAT. Most of these tests familiarize you with the types of questions asked and help you manage the tricky questions. You can achieve this only through consistent practice! Hence, plan on how to prepare for gmat quant carefully and try attempting at least six GMAT diagnostic tests, one per week, before the exam. There are some GMAT quantitative study guide pdfs that you can download from various credible sites as well to help you get started. 

We hope that you have found this article GMAT Quant study guide/plan useful. Whether you have a math background or you are an arts graduate, getting a high score in GMAT quant is possible only if you prepare and practice well. Hence, consider the above information, create a study plan and start the preparations.

Good luck!


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