Are you a working professional or a student registering for the GMAT? Are you confused which mode of preparation should you choose for your exam— GMAT online preparation versus classroom coaching? We will help you understand the difference between the two so that you can make the most suitable choice for yourself. 

GMAT Preparation Online versus GMAT Classroom Coaching  

When scouting for GMAT coaching services, you will come across two kinds of services offered — GMAT online preparation and GMAT classroom preparation. Choosing between the two can get rather confusing, hence, here’s listed the differences between the two so that you can understand each preparation mode better. 

The contrast between the two are explained as follows:

  • Convenience

Due to the pandemic, online preparation seems to be the best option. Besides, preparation online is also easier for working professionals who have long work hours. This is due to the fact that everything is available online and is just a click away. You don’t need to spend any extra time travelling to a coaching centre. 

  • Time 

GMAT preparation conducted online is generally not bound by any time or schedule. The online classes can be taken at your convenience, whenever you are available. A classroom coaching, on the other hand, requires you to reach there at a particular time. This could be quite difficult for some, especially if you are professional. 

  • Availability of Information 

There’s a lot of information that you have access to with an online class — the internet is full of it. The mentors teaching you can guide you to reliable sources besides providing you what they have in store for you. Moreover, online classes open doors to discussion boards. These discussion boards can be initiated on multiple social media platforms and on sites such as Quora. You can ask questions, answer questions if you are aware, and participate in the debates on popular topics. In addition, you can also keep track of exam updates and any additional information you might require along your preparation process. On the other hand, classroom coaching is only limited to the knowledge provided to you by your mentor or knowledge provided to you by the GMAT guides or study material. Most classrooms also prohibit you from using electronic devices which will further restrict you from accessing any additional information available online.

  • Flexibility

Online preparation is less rigid when compared to classroom coaching. With online classes, you no longer have to adhere to rigid coaching class timings or worry about not being able to attend classes due to other commitments. GMAT preparation, when done through online coaching services, doesn’t depend on factors such as the availability of the teacher, the class schedules and agendas, etc. Rather, it really depends on how, when, and where you want to begin your preparation.  Hence, an advantage of online classes is that they are flexible and you can opt for time slots according to your convenience. In addition, if you have skipped a class or if you’re unable to focus on the content, you can always watch recorded sessions later on the official websites. These online sessions are mostly recorded and uploaded on their official websites. 

On the other hand, if you miss a classroom coaching, you will lose out on the lesson plan for that particular day. You will either have to approach your mentor to train you especially on what you have missed or you will have to seek help from one of your classmates. Either way this will be an inconvenience and hamper your preparation process.

Moreover, classroom coaching usually adheres to a study plan drafted by the coaching center or by your mentor. So, you have no choice but to follow a standardised study plan. With online coaching,  you can choose the topics you would like to learn according to your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, if you are feeling stuck or unable to proceed, you can always look up concepts or question types on the internet to understand them better. 

  • Interest

Classroom coaching follows a classic classroom set up with benches, a blackboard and a teacher.   

This can be very monotonous for a student. Sometimes, the lecturer’s voice is not audible for those sitting at the back. These factors lead to disinterest among students who attend classroom coaching. 

On the other hand, the online GMAT preparation is far more interesting when it comes to learning as coaching services use graphics, PowerPoint presentations, and technologically advanced teaching aids. It has been proven that individuals learn better with visually stimulating and appealing study material when compared to the conventional textbook method. Several GMAT concepts such as graphical illustrations for integrated reasoning or geometrical questions in quantitative reasoning can be explained better with visual aids. Moreover, visual aids automatically intrigue your interest, making it easier to focus. 

  • One-on-one Sessions 

In a classroom set-up, the student to professor ratio is completely imbalanced with 25 odd students to 1 professor. This means it is impossible to get one-on-one attention from your mentor. Online coaching, on the other hand, guarantees personalised attention, as you will have a mentor specifically assigned to you. They will cater to your needs and help you clarify your doubts instantly. 

  • Customisation 

Classroom coaching uses a standardised, one-size-fits-all study model to teach its students. However, this might not work for everyone as some students will need extra assistance with subjects and concepts they are weak in. Online coaching programs and services help you customise your study plans based on how far you have progressed with your GMAT preparation and take into consideration your weaknesses. Hence, online coaching will be able to accommodate your requests, which is generally not possible with a conventional classroom set up.  

We have listed all the differences between the two methods of GMAT preparation online versus classroom coaching. We hope this has helped you decide which works best for you. So begin your preparation and give it your best shot. 


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